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Samba Toronto presents

A 5 Day Summer Workshop - JULY 18-22


Alan Heatherington

Brazil is home to some of the most exciting music on the planet. In this course, students play the music of the Samba Enredo in the style of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo with the traditional instruments of the Bateria: Surdo (bass drum); Caiza (snare drum); Repenique (tenor drum); Tamborim (soprano drum); Agogo bells; Ganza (shaker); and Cavaquinho (four stringed rhythm guitar).

Learn to play samba drums
(for teens and adults)

Discover the rich folklore of Brazil through the powerful rhythms and melodies of its regions!

Instruments provided.

Royal Conservatory of Music

90 Croatia St. (near Dufferin St. & Bloor St.)

Tuition: $150 (+ registration fee)

for more information visit the Royal Conservatory of Music website


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